
Plant based food and animal meat



As individuals we are supposed to be consuming food which has life and consciousness. If what we consume in the name of food has a conscience in addition to having life and consciousness, it means that it carries the karma of the being or the animal that it came from. The food we consume is not merely something used to fill our stomachs, it holds knowledge. Meat when consumed as food can only give us complicated memories and karma. Plant-based food on the other hand can provide us with soft memories.

There are certain aspects that people tend to forget while consuming meat as food:
- All creatures in this universe experience been just like us human beings.
- Do we really have compassion and humanity towards our fellow beings will be receive any of gods blessings, if we continue to kill and consume its creations in the name of food?
- Are we aware of the fact that when we kill and eat any sentence and being, we are also taking on the Karma of that living being?
- What health benefits can a decomposing corpse possibly give us?
- How would something that we find disgusting to touch or smell be good to put inside our body?

Naturally, you might want to ask - vegetables have life too, so can we still eat them?
Let’s break this down.

Firstly, consuming meat creates complicated memories for us. What we are supposed to eat is food that has life and consciousness. Only such foods help create a soft memory in us. Food with consciousness and conscience only creates complicated memories in us. If the memory in us is complicated, the mind will not listen to what the brain is saying. What happens to a person with complicated memory is similar to what happens when two drivers sit in the same vehicle and try to drive it. The mind will not obey the brain and vice versa. This would eventually lead to anxiety, depression, confusion, short temper, lifestyle diseases, insomnia, lack of satisfaction in any activity you take part in and even global warming.

Secondly, we will take on the karma of that creature. Every living being on this planet is born to complete its lifespan and fulfil its purpose. Just like humans, these creatures have life consciousness and a conscience. All the karma of a living being is recorded in their conscience. When we kill a being before it completes its lifespan and consumes it, We take on its karma.

Moments before an organism dies, its conscience opens up and the karma of that organism spreads to all cells. Just like how we don’t have to drink up the entire sea to understand what it tastes like, even if we eat a small piece, all of the karma of that organism gets transferred to us.
One lifetime is often not enough for us to fully live out and experience our own Karma. Now imagine what would happen if we add on the Karma of another being on top of it.

Thirdly, We get no benefits from consuming the body of a dead being. Many people find the term "corpse curry" disgusting when used to refer to food made from the flesh of living beings. However, if you think about it, there isn't a more accurate way to describe it. Any living being that dies becomes a corpse or a dead body. The moment a creature is lifeless, it starts to decompose. There is absolutely no health benefit we acquire by consuming a decaying object, except that its karma will be transferred to us, and that will acquire complicated memory.

How good is it to consume something that we would find disgusting to touch or smell?

Whether it's a fish market, a slaughterhouse, or a supermarket, we often find ourselves covering our noses as we approach the area where meat is kept. People who purchase these items tend to hold them away from other groceries and thoroughly wash their hands afterward. Once home, they wash the meat, wrap it, marinate it with a good amount of spices to mask the smell, and then wash their hands again after cooking and eating.

Sure, we can wash our hands and mouths with soap, but what do we do with what we have put inside our bodies?

If a housefly lands in our tea, we make a fuss. The irony here is, we hide pieces of dead chicken inside our rice and happily eat it.

📌 *(5) The mind, emotions and thoughts of that organism all cause changes in the ozone level.*

For any being, nothing is greater than its life. When a person close to us dies, we don’t sacrifice our lives with them, no matter how dear they are to us. This shows that our own life is the greatest to us. No creature would willingly tell us to kill and eat them. The mind and emotions of that organism cause changes in the ozone layer. They can sense even-if we merely think of killing a creature. Unlike us, they understand the language of the universe. To the universe, there is no difference between humans and animals; everything is the same. Would any of us kill a child simply because we have ten children? Can we bear it if one of our child's fingers is cut? To truly understand their pain, we would have to cut our own body parts and experience it. The universe will never bless those who commit such a great sin.

📌 *(6) Bring upon yourself the curse of the poor creatures and the curse of the universe.*
The death of a loved one haunts us for the rest of our lives. Do you think the universe will have any mercy on those who kill and its children? No guru or God will bless us. We lose our compassion and humanity by killing and eating. The curse of the poor creatures and the curse of the universe will never give us peace of mind.

📌 *(7) “Insulting Guru is destruction”. There will be no peace of mind.*
Let’s not ignore the Guru’s teaching, that those who kill and eat for selfish reasons will suffer in life and after death. Gurus share this wisdom because we do not understand the universe’s secrets. Disrespecting the Guru brings ruin and takes away our peace.

📌📌 *Vegetables*
📌 Plants are the selfless sustainers of this universe. For example, The life of a Mango exists in its embryo(seed). Its fleshy part has cosmic consciousness, not body consciousness. When we do SMS meditation, we are absorbed in the cosmic consciousness and unaware of what is happening in our body. Ants, flies and mosquitoes may come and sit on our body without us noticing it. We might not even feel a snake bite. We become aware of these things once we return back to body consciousness. Vegetables and fruits exist in cosmic consciousness and do not experience pain. A mango tree will sprout from its seed wherever it lands, without caring who ate the actual fruit. It is selfless and it provides food to birds, worms and humans alike. This selfless nature of plants is how food reaches us and becomes a part of us. They have soft memory and constantly communicate with the universe, receive knowledge and follow the cosmic dharma. We need to develop soft memory as well. The plants we eat are already on their journey to entering the next level, completing their life purpose through us.

📌 *There is life and consciousness in the wood of a tree, giving it body consciousness.*

So when they are cut, they feel pain just like us. However, plants have a higher purpose and they know when we are planning to cut them because unlike us, they are always connected to the universe. The moment a tree knows that it is going to be cut, it selflessly transmits all circulated knowledge to nearby vegetation before falling. By sacrificing themselves for our selfish needs, they make their existence noble. This is why anything made out of such wood does not bring us any happiness.

There used to be a tradition of asking permission from the tree and cutting it only for our needs and not wants. To do this, we need to understand the language of the universe. This way, we could cut down a tree without completely destroying it and see it sprouting from the remaining part.

📌 In Ayurveda, our sages had a way of asking for permission from the plants considering the right time and period when picking them for medicinal purposes. When we start living in harmony with the universe, we will understand the thoughts and feelings of all creatures in this universe in the same scope and depth.

📌 Now, you may have questions about eating cereals and pulses. Every life has its own goals and the food we eat or ultimately reaching the next level of life through us. To truly understand this we need to eliminate our complicated memory and live according to the cosmic dharma. Then the universe will bring in front of us only foods that are fit for us to eat.

Unlike what we have been conditioned to believe, we don’t need countless things to live. Once we activate our subtle body, we can live solely by receiving energy and immunity directly from the universe. The universe itself will tell us what to eat and what not to eat, leaving no room for questions or doubts.