👉 If you are the only woman in the household who wish to begin the practice, you are required to take due permission from your father, husband or adult children. The concerned person will be required to inform of their non-objection directly to Guru during the morning Zoom class.
👉 Children who have not reached adulthood (both boys and girls) require permission from their parents. The concerned person will be required to inform of their non-objection directly to Guru during the morning Zoom class.
👉 Familial support is necessary for all individuals to begin the practice regardless of their gender. Please remember that closing your Karmic account and embarking on a journey of salvation will be possible only if you integrate your family into your journey.
👉You may consult the Guru for permission to meditate only after attending the Zoom class for at least 10 days.
👉Be sure to attentively watch all the videos sent from the Thasmai Trust several times to understand them thoroughly.
👉Those preparing to begin meditation should fill out and submit the form provided and inform your administrator
❌ Without the permission or grace of the guru, one must not engage in the meditation practice. Here, we are embarking on a journey of self realisation where every individual gets to experience the soul and true happiness. Since all of this takes place in the subtle realms, we will not be able to observe it with our naked eyes.
Gurus are the spokespersons of the subtle world. Out of the 14 dimensions in the universe, we are only able to experience the third. The guidance of a self realised Guru becomes utmost important here. Only a Guru who has already experienced the 14 dimensions and has uncovered universal secrets will be able to help us safely navigate the subtle world.
Once you accept Thasmai Guruji as your Guru and decide to start the meditation practice, you must be willing to let go of all previously learned information and judgements. Present yourself as an empty clean vessel and be receptive to the wisdom you are about to experience.
👉 Attention to Those Who Have Explored Alternative Paths of Meditation: Before arriving here, we may have travelled through several paths and tested many methods. Consider them as paths that were meant to ultimately guide you here. Understand that you are here because none of the prior paths provided complete fulfilment. However, this doesn't diminish the value of the paths we've traversed or the guidance of the Gurus we've followed.
Before you begin your practice, express gratitude to all the gurus you've encountered along the way and mentally seek their permission and blessings. A true guru never curses and always desires the best for you.
👉 Selflessness
An individual who wishes to begin the practice must be selfless. They must discard the attitude of wanting to conquer everything for themselves. They must let go of all selfish interests, needs, complaints and greed.
👉 Submission
Complete submission of the individual practising meditation is very important. If there is no submission you will fail to experience the abundance of blessings the Guru offers.
In this universe, it is ourselves that we must submit, not flowers or other living beings. Only then do we become truly selfless.
To truly understand the concept of Guru and submission, Please read the articles provided to you by Thasmai and attend the morning class without fail.
Read numerous articles about who the guru is and what dedication is. Also, listen to the morning class without fail.
👉 Mutual Respect
Everyone preparing to begin meditation must have mutual respect for each other, be it children towards parents, spouses towards each other or disciple towards guru. This mutual respect and trust must be selfless and truthful.
Starting meditation also requires the blessings and permission of family members.
👉 Prayer
✔ Submit your offering to a lit oil lamp and then prostrate in prayer. Pray to be forgiven for all the mistakes committed by you or your family, intentionally or otherwise. Pray to be led to a path of righteousness.
✔ Both men and women must perform complete prostration. Just kneeling down will not suffice.
👉 Things to consider while sitting
✔ Find a strong, comfortable chair with armrests. Plastic chairs are suitable for this purpose.
✔ Attention must be paid that both feet are placed on the ground. For some, crossing legs may not be possible, then sit with folded legs or on a chair.
❌ Iron chairs must not be used
❌ You must not sit cross-legged while doing the meditation. Sit normally on a chair.
❌ While meditating, avoid makeup, bindi, spectacles, watch and similar adornments.
👉 Location to sit
✔ Meditation should be done under the open sky (avoid balconies, covered terraces or staring out through a window)
❌Avoid sitting on terraces without a parapet, sitting close to the parapet and staircases. During meditation, the universe provides treatment to individuals according to their needs. This could be in the form of yoga or exercise. For this purpose, you might be made to stand up from your seat. In that case, you need to make sure that you are at a safe spot. While the universe does not do anything to harm us, we must make sure to do our part.
✔ Directions like North, South, East or West are of no importance here. During Sun meditation, make sure you are seated at a place where the sunlight falls on your body directly. During night meditation,locate the Moon or any bright star in the sky and sit while facing it. If the sky is overcast and you are unable to locate either, focus on any point in the open sky.
❌ If you are unable to view the Sun or Moon from where you live due to physical obstructions in the way, there is no point in complaining to the Guru. Make sure to find a spot that is convenient. If you are truly invested in bettering yourself, the universe will do the needful to make your circumstances better. Until then, wait patiently.
👉 Meditation time - Alarm setting
✔ Don't forget to set the alarm for precisely 45 minutes. Avoid adjusting the timer by even a minute for any reason whatsoever.
✔ Ensure your phone is in silent mode.
✔ During rainy weather, you securely place your phone in a waterproof cover or container and place it under your chair.
✔ Family members need to keep an eye that the individual comes out of the meditation after 45 minutes.
❌ Ensure you are not forcing your eyes close or eyeballs to look up. Place a gentle focus in between your eyebrows.
❌ During moon meditation, try to not blink as much as possible. You need not place your focus in between your eyebrows.
❌ Maintain stillness regardless of discomfort. If you encounter ants, mosquitos, flies or pets, remember to not view them as “disturbance”. Remember that they are creations of the universe too and request assistance from the universe to help you in this journey of self-improvement.
❌ Avoid chanting mantras during meditation.
✔️ If your body starts to move beyond your control during meditation, there's no need to fear. It is simply the universe making your subtle body perform the exercises necessary for your physical body. Surrender completely and do not try to control the movement. If you try to stop it, the universe will stop giving you the treatment. After 45 minutes of meditation, the body will return to its normal state.
✔ ️ If your hands feel locked and you are unable to get up after 45 minutes, a little water can be sprinkled into those hands. Make sure to open your eyes gently without straining.
✔️ It's essential to call (+91) 90082 90027 and inform them if you feel any abnormal spike in energy. Signs include getting lost in meditation, experiencing disturbing states in meditation, lack of sleep, making predictions, declaring oneself as God, etc. This can occur due to lack of faith, going against Guru’s teachings etc.
❌Do not eat before morning SUN Meditation. If necessary, a small cup of tea or coffee can be consumed.
❌Avoid sleeping after SUN Meditation. (SUN Meditation wipes out our complicated memory. These files are then stored elsewhere like in a recycle bin.
The universe undertakes specific operations on us while we sleep, such as transferring files from our conscious mind to the subconscious. If certain files are missing during this process (like complicated memories), they are retrieved from the recycle bin and restored with the aid of our conscience. Daytime naps can hence counteract the effects of Sun meditation.
❌ Do not eat after 6.00pm (after sunset). This is because our body slowly transitions to the lunar phase once the sun’s influence is gone. During this phase where we receive immunity supply, proper digestion does not take place.
📌Those who practise SUN Meditation in the morning must compulsorily do the Moon Meditation at night. Only then will that day's meditation be considered complete.
👉 After completing Moon meditation, it's essential to go to sleep immediately.
(During Moon meditation, our subtle body absorbs immunity. Sleeping immediately allows the absorbed immunity to be supplied to our physical body, facilitating processes like treatments and other activities. It's advisable to rest from 9:30 pm onwards, ensuring a minimum of 5-5.30 hours of sleep to allow these processes to occur before Brahma Muhurta (3 am).)
👉 Attending the Zoom class every morning and sharing your experience is mandatory. Only then can the Guru guide you properly. Make sure to follow all guidelines of attending the online session.
👉 Meditate only for 45 minutes in the morning and 45 minutes in the evening. Utilise the remaining time for your daily activities. Our activities should be aligned with our dharma or duty.
❌ Refrain from practising Yoga or pranayama to ensure optimal results.
It is advisable to attend the morning Zoom class by sitting under the open sky. It helps you receive the immunity required.
While attending the session, please refrain from interlacing your fingers like during meditation.
Keep your ears and head uncovered.
Before starting your meditation practice, please let us know about any medical history related to depression or other ailments. Additionally, inform us if you regularly take any medications for these conditions.
👉 Follow the doctor's advice strictly regarding medication dosage. Do not self-prescribe or discontinue medication without medical advice.
👉 Old memories resurfacing during meditation is a natural process while complicated memory gets wiped out. These memories may linger for 2-3 days and then fade away and will stop affecting us.
Make sure to handle such processes wisely. Avoid going back to medications you have discontinued. Everything will return to a state of peace after 2-3 days. This is particularly important for individuals previously treated for depression.
👉You may continue meditation outdoors even on rainy days. Once your subtle body is activated, rain, heat or cold will not affect you badly. Besides, it helps you live in harmony with the universe.
Refrain from meditating indoors if it is a rainy day. At the same time, prioritise your safety on days when there is heavy rainfall or thunderstorms.
👉Meditation should always your priority. If meditation is interrupted due to unavoidable circumstances, you can compensate for the lost day(s) by practising for additional days, ensuring a total of 41 days of practice.
👉Meditation is not a hindrance to your marital life. It brings more joy and contentment to your life. The bond between spouses becomes stronger.
👉Women may continue the meditation practice during menstruation if there is no physical discomfort. Menstruation is not impure. Only those who follow an immoral path ( by consuming intoxicants, killing living beings for food, speaking lies or engaging in promiscuity) are considered impure.
Regular meditation practice will help alleviate physical discomfort, mood fluctuations and issues with irregular cycles. Furthermore, meditation can help with ailments concerning the uterus and help ease the discomfort and mood fluctuations experienced during menopause.
👉With complete dedication, without wavering from the Guru’s teachings, those who engage in regular meditation will not experience any illness. If you happen to fall sick, seek treatment for the same. During times of physical discomfort, provide rest to the body and pause meditation practice.
👉Regardless of the time zone you live in, keep note of the sunrise and sunset timings. Sun Meditation must be practised within 3-3.5 hours of sunrise. Moon/Star Meditation must be practised within 3-3.5 hours after sunset.
👉Feel free to ask your doubts and questions during the morning Zoom class or in the Whatsapp group. This is because it will benefit everyone who participates. Remember, like everyone else, Guruji has only 24 hours in a day, which makes it challenging to address each query individually. (❌ Please refrain from sending personal messages.)
👉After completing 41 days, take a break from meditation for the next 15 days. Once the 15-day break is over, you may start meditation again, but only after sending a message in the Whatsapp group, seeking permission from the Guruji. This break is not meant for committing mistakes. It is meant to balance the energy levels, reflect on the changes experienced during meditation, analyse our own shortcomings and make necessary corrections.
As meditation takes away our burdens, ego may take a front seat. The break is essential to prevent this and to help us stay on the path without deviation.
Failure to adhere to the Guru's teachings indicates egoism. Hence, it's crucial to strictly abide by the guidelines. Neglecting them will affect the quality of your meditation experiences.
Thasmai will not be held accountable for challenges you may encounter as a result of non-compliance with the said rules and regulations
n, our subtle body absorbs immunity. Sleeping immediately allows the absorbed immunity to be supplied to our physical body, facilitating processes like treatments and other activities. It's advisable to rest from 9:30 pm onwards, ensuring a minimum of 5-5.30 hours of sleep to allow these processes to occur before Brahma Muhurta (3 am).)