
Guru Tatwa

"*Guru Tatwa/ Guru Principles* All living beings in this universe, live their life in accordance to the universal laws. We human beings unfortunately follow man-made societal laws. Due to this very reason, we are unable to understand or comprehend the language of the universe. This is the root cause of all the problems we face today. An individual is able to connect with the universe only by following Guru Tatva or principles. If not through a Guru, they will be required to attain self realisation through their own efforts. This is often a very tough path. It is only through self-realisation an individual can be freed of their karmic debt which they have accumulated over lifetimes. This process may sometimes take multiple lifetimes. This is why a Guru and his principles or Guru Tatva hold extreme importance.

Several Gurus have already walked this earth, and each of these Gurus often had their own methods which they advised in order to connect with the universe. For example, SMS Meditation is a unique technique which brings together the universal forces of the sun, moon and stars. When we are following the path of a Guru, there are certain rules, regulations and a certain lifestyle, which the Guru advices us to follow. This is what we refer to as Guru Tatva or principles. When we wholeheartedly accept and follow these principles. The path to our ultimate aim becomes smooth. These principles are not to be reserved for special holy months or other occasions. This is something to be followed from the day you take birth till the day you leave this planet. Only then will there be true transformation in an individual. Bringing this transformation in individuals is a Guru’s ultimate aim. The Guru has experienced ultimate wisdom as a result of years of tough penance through Guru Tatva, The Guru aims to pass on this wisdom to the upcoming generations for their benefit as we continue to follow the path of the Guru, the darkness of ignorance is replaced by the light of knowledge within us. we are made aware of the consciousness that resides within us and we are shown the path to reach it. We are made to truly experience who we are and that I, you and all beings in this universe is ultimately one single consciousness and that this entire universe in fact exists within us.

Sree Narayana Guru from his state of Samadhi who continues to work for the betterment of this world, advises five virtues and five purities. Nonviolence, truth, non-stealing, fidelity and abstinence from intoxicants are the five virtues, purity of the body. Speech mind, senses and home are the five purities. Even though he has blessed us with an abundance of literature, We sadly have only learned to worship his photograph. We are yet not willing to follow what the Guru says. Criticising the Guru can only lead to destruction. Even if we conquer for the entire world, we will still not attain peace of mind. Hence, to truly experience the universal truth, we must take utmost care to lead a life abiding by the principles advised by these enlightened Gurus."